Morning Silence

Morning Silence

Morning silence. In 15 minutes, my day will begin. Today, I will come in contact with well over 100 people. I will have at least two unexpected meaningful conversations. This afternoon, I will drive through the same intersection four or five times. At some point, something will go wrong. Ronan will wonder aloud about something esoteric, like the existence of heaven, or the sleeping habits of zombies, or the life span of an ant. I will curse technology at least once. My coffee will undoubtedly go cold before empty. I will belly laugh at something a clever student said and at something a witty colleague said. I will remember that I forgot to write a check for something. I will come home to a messy, crooked, Friday house, and be sloppily welcomed by the people in it who make it messy and crooked and, blessedly, Friday. Better get it started.

Confessions of a Soccer Mom

Confessions of a Soccer Mom

Atlas Telamon

Atlas Telamon