

First thing my 12-year-old says to me after jumping in the car after school today:

"Hey mom, guess what stupid thing three dumb kids did in first period today, and I was one of them."

With that kind of opening line, what could possibly go wrong? Whatever comes next, I know this story is going to be better than anything else that happened to me today.

"We got three other dumb kids and tricked them into being part of a human pyramid!"

See? already this story is better than anything that happened in my day. No one tricked me (or even asked me) to be part of a human pyramid today. And if they had, would I have agreed?

"Since I'm the biggest kid, I was on the bottom in the center."

And now I'm bursting with pride. There's only one way this story can get any better.

"And then one of the second row kids farted really loud, and we all bust out laughing and everybody fell down on top of me."

And there it is.


Still Grading

Still Grading

September Yesterday

September Yesterday